Top 5 Secret DevOps Tools You’re Missing – 2024

Top 5 Secret DevOps Tools You’re Missing (That Will Skyrocket Productivity)

Let’s face it, the world of DevOps tools is a sprawling jungle. There are countless options out there, each promising to revolutionize your workflow, enhance collaboration, and catapult your team to DevOps success. But with so many choices, it’s easy to get lost in the noise, overlooking the hidden gems that could truly make a difference.

In this article, we’re going to pull back the curtain and reveal some of the secret DevOps tools you might be missing. These underrated tools are flying under the radar, but they pack a powerful punch when it comes to streamlining your DevOps processes. Whether you’re a seasoned DevOps pro or just starting your journey, these tools have the potential to transform the way you work.

So, buckle up and get ready to discover the best-kept secrets in the DevOps world. These tools might not be the most well-known, but they’re definitely worth adding to your arsenal.

Introduction: The Vast DevOps Tool Landscape

The DevOps tool landscape is vast and ever-evolving. New tools are constantly emerging, each claiming to be the next big thing. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! With so many options to choose from, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start.

But here’s the thing: you don’t need to use every tool out there to achieve DevOps success. In fact, sometimes the most impactful tools are the ones that are flying under the radar. These “secret” tools might not be the most popular or well-known, but they can offer unique benefits and solve specific pain points that other tools can’t.

In this article, we’re going to shine a spotlight on some of these hidden gems. We’ll explore their key features, benefits, and real-world use cases, so you can see how they can make a real difference in your DevOps workflow.

So, if you’re ready to unlock hidden productivity boosters and take your DevOps game to the next level, keep reading! We’re about to reveal the secret DevOps tools that will streamline your processes, enhance collaboration, and help you achieve your goals.

Secret Tool #1: Earthly – Boost Your DevOps Productivity

Let’s kick things off with a tool that’s been gaining traction in the DevOps community: Earthly. At its core, Earthly is a build automation tool that allows you to define your build processes in a simple, declarative way. It’s like a supercharged Makefile, but with a much more intuitive syntax and powerful features.


So, what makes Earthly so special? For starters, it’s incredibly versatile. You can use it to build anything from simple Docker images to complex multi-stage pipelines. It also supports a wide range of languages and technologies, so you’re not locked into a specific ecosystem.

But perhaps the biggest benefit of Earthly is its ability to streamline your DevOps workflows. By defining your builds in a declarative way, you can easily share them across your team and ensure consistency across different environments. This eliminates the need for manual configuration and reduces the risk of errors, saving you valuable time and effort.

Let’s say you’re working on a project that involves building and deploying a microservices application. With Earthly, you can define the entire build process in a single file, including steps for building Docker images, running tests, and deploying to Kubernetes. This makes it easy to reproduce the build on any machine, ensuring that everyone on your team is working with the same artifacts.

Earthly is a powerful tool that can help you boost your DevOps productivity and achieve greater efficiency. It’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for a way to streamline your build processes and improve collaboration across your team.

Secret Tool #2: Skaffold – Streamline Your DevOps Workflows

Now, let’s shift our focus to another secret weapon in the DevOps arsenal: Skaffold. In essence, Skaffold is a command-line tool that simplifies the process of building, pushing, and deploying your applications to Kubernetes. If you’ve ever struggled with the complexities of Kubernetes deployments, Skaffold might just be your new best friend.

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One of Skaffold’s standout features is its ability to provide continuous feedback during development. It watches your code for changes and automatically triggers builds and deployments, allowing you to see the impact of your changes in real-time. This eliminates the need for manual deployments and speeds up your development cycle significantly.

But Skaffold’s benefits don’t stop there. It also supports a wide range of build and deployment tools, so you can easily integrate it into your existing workflow. Whether you’re using Docker, Helm, or Kustomize, Skaffold has you covered.

Imagine you’re working on a new feature for your web application. With Skaffold, you can simply make changes to your code, and Skaffold will automatically rebuild your Docker image, push it to your registry, and deploy the updated version to your Kubernetes cluster. This allows you to iterate quickly and catch errors early in the development process.

Skaffold is a game-changer when it comes to streamlining your DevOps workflows. It eliminates the complexities of Kubernetes deployments, provides continuous feedback during development, and integrates seamlessly with your existing tools. If you’re looking for a way to boost your team’s efficiency and accelerate your development cycle, Skaffold is definitely worth considering.

Secret Tool #3: CodeStream – Enhance DevOps Collaboration

Let’s talk about a tool that can revolutionize the way your DevOps team collaborates: CodeStream. At its heart, CodeStream is a code collaboration platform that integrates directly into your IDE. It allows you to have discussions, share code snippets, and conduct code reviews right within your development environment.

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One of CodeStream’s biggest strengths is its ability to facilitate seamless communication. Instead of switching between your IDE and other collaboration tools like Slack or email, you can have all your conversations and code reviews in one place. This reduces context switching and helps your team stay focused on the task at hand.

But CodeStream goes beyond just communication. It also provides powerful code review features, allowing you to request and provide feedback directly on specific lines of code. This streamlines the code review process and makes it easier to identify and address potential issues.

Imagine you’re working on a bug fix with a colleague. With CodeStream, you can easily share the relevant code snippet, discuss the problem, and even propose a solution directly within your IDE. This eliminates the need for lengthy email threads or confusing Slack conversations, making collaboration much more efficient.

CodeStream is a must-have tool for any DevOps team that values effective communication and collaboration. It seamlessly integrates into your development workflow, facilitates real-time discussions, and streamlines code reviews. If you’re looking to enhance collaboration and improve the quality of your code, CodeStream is definitely worth checking out.

Secret Tool #4: Driftctl – Improve DevOps Efficiency

Now, let’s shine a spotlight on a tool that can help you maintain order and efficiency in your cloud infrastructure: Driftctl. Essentially, Driftctl is an open-source tool that detects and alerts you about any configuration drift in your cloud resources. In simpler terms, it helps you ensure that your infrastructure remains in sync with your desired state, even as changes are made over time.

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One of the major challenges in managing cloud infrastructure is keeping track of all the changes that occur. Manual configuration changes, automated deployments, and even unintentional modifications can lead to configuration drift, where your actual infrastructure deviates from your intended setup. This can cause unexpected issues, security vulnerabilities, and compliance problems.

Driftctl addresses this challenge by continuously scanning your cloud resources and comparing them against your desired state, which can be defined in code or configuration files. If it detects any discrepancies, it generates alerts, allowing you to quickly identify and address any configuration drift.

Let’s say you’re using Terraform to manage your AWS infrastructure. With Driftctl, you can run regular scans to ensure that your actual AWS resources match the configuration defined in your Terraform code. If someone manually modifies a security group or an EC2 instance, Driftctl will immediately notify you, allowing you to take corrective action.

Driftctl is a valuable tool for any DevOps team that relies on cloud infrastructure. It helps you maintain control over your resources, prevent configuration drift, and ensure that your infrastructure remains secure and compliant. If you’re looking for a way to improve the efficiency and reliability of your cloud operations, Driftctl is definitely worth considering.

Secret Tool #5: Checkov – Achieve DevOps Success

Rounding out our list of secret DevOps tools is Checkov, a powerful tool designed to help you achieve DevSecOps success. At its core, Checkov is a static code analysis tool that scans your infrastructure as code (IaC) files for security and compliance issues. By identifying potential vulnerabilities early in the development process, Checkov helps you shift security left and build more secure and reliable systems from the ground up.

One of Checkov’s key strengths is its extensive library of built-in policies that cover a wide range of security best practices and compliance standards. These policies are constantly updated to reflect the latest threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring that your IaC files are always in check.

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But Checkov doesn’t just identify issues; it also provides actionable recommendations on how to fix them. This makes it easy to address vulnerabilities and improve the security posture of your infrastructure.

Imagine you’re working on a Terraform configuration for your AWS infrastructure. With Checkov, you can scan your code and instantly identify potential issues like open security groups, unencrypted S3 buckets, or overly permissive IAM roles. Checkov will then provide detailed explanations and remediation steps, helping you strengthen your infrastructure’s security.

Checkov is an essential tool for any DevOps team that’s serious about security. It integrates seamlessly into your CI/CD pipeline, providing continuous feedback and ensuring that your infrastructure as code is always secure and compliant. If you’re looking to achieve DevSecOps success and build more resilient systems, Checkov is definitely worth adding to your toolbox.

Bonus: Additional Hidden Gems in the DevOps World

While we’ve covered five powerful secret DevOps tools, there are plenty more hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Here are a few additional tools worth exploring:

  • Atlantis: A powerful tool for automating Terraform pull request workflows. It helps you manage infrastructure changes with confidence and ensure that your code is always reviewed and approved before being applied.
  • Snyk: A comprehensive security platform that scans your code, containers, and infrastructure for vulnerabilities. It provides actionable insights and helps you fix issues quickly and easily.
  • Kubecost: A cost monitoring and optimization tool for Kubernetes. It helps you track your cloud spending, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make informed decisions about your infrastructure.
  • Pulumi: A cloud infrastructure as code platform that allows you to use familiar programming languages like Python, TypeScript, and Go to define and manage your cloud resources.

These are just a few examples of the many hidden gems that exist in the DevOps world. By exploring and experimenting with different tools, you can discover solutions that perfectly fit your team’s unique needs and challenges.

Remember, the best DevOps tools are the ones that help you achieve your goals and streamline your workflows. Don’t be afraid to try out new tools and see how they can improve your DevOps processes.

Choosing the Right Tools for Your DevOps Team

With so many DevOps tools available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right ones for your team. Here are a few tips to help you make informed decisions:

  • Assess your team’s needs: Start by identifying your team’s specific pain points and challenges. What processes are causing bottlenecks? Where are you experiencing inefficiencies? Once you understand your needs, you can start looking for tools that address those specific areas.
  • Consider your project requirements: The tools you choose will also depend on the nature of your projects. Are you working with microservices architectures? Do you need to deploy to multiple cloud providers? Make sure the tools you select are compatible with your technology stack and project requirements.
  • Evaluate your budget: DevOps tools can range from free and open-source to enterprise-grade solutions with hefty price tags. It’s important to set a budget and look for tools that offer the best value for your money.
  • Try before you buy: Most DevOps tools offer free trials or demos. Take advantage of these opportunities to test the tools and see how they fit into your workflow.
  • Get feedback from your team: Involve your team members in the decision-making process. Ask for their input on which tools they think would be most beneficial.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to DevOps tools. The best tools for your team will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. By taking the time to carefully evaluate your options and try out different tools, you can build a DevOps toolkit that empowers your team to achieve success.

Conclusion: Unlock Your DevOps Potential with These Secret Tools

The world of DevOps is constantly evolving, and new tools are emerging all the time. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype and overlook the hidden gems that can truly make a difference. In this article, we’ve explored five secret DevOps tools that you might be missing. These tools offer unique benefits and can help you streamline your workflows, enhance collaboration, and achieve DevOps success.

From build automation with Earthly to cloud infrastructure management with Driftctl, these tools have the potential to transform the way you work. By incorporating them into your DevOps toolkit, you can boost productivity, improve efficiency, and build more secure and reliable systems.

Remember, the key to DevOps success is to continuously learn and adapt. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new tools and explore different approaches. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing innovation, you can unlock your team’s full potential and achieve DevOps excellence.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to unleash the power of these secret DevOps tools and take your team to the next level.

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